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Category: Cubicle Farm Worker Drone

Do Something For Yourself… Every Day

It’s Imperative That You Take Care Of You

This is NOT easy! What is easy is getting so wrapped up in deadlines and stress and demanding bosses, or colleagues, or work loads, that you forget about YOU. How many times out of the last month have you worked through lunch, eating at your desk? Or worse yet, how often have you skipped lunch altogether?

I know how this goes. We sacrifice our personal well-being in order to get a little more done, in hopes of relieving some of the constant pressure. Using my lunch hour as a way to take up slack or make up time when I’m feeling the crunch has become standard operating procedure over the years. But with a big difference these days.

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Cube Farm Life Ain’t Easy

It’s true. And it’s one of those things that either you know it, you get it… Or you don’t. Myself, I get it. Completely. Out of all the many years of my office working career, I spent precious few of them in an office space. Most of the time, I was in a fabric covered, soul absorbing cubicle cell. But if you live with someone who hasn’t worked like that… chances are pretty good that they don’t get it. That can be rough. So this is a good place for you.

I’m writing this because after many years, after a lot of trial and error, I’ve figured out how to cope with cubicle farm life. I’ve figured out how to get through each day, each mind-numbing hour, each newly frustrating minute, so I can be at peace for most of the day.

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