Survive... Escape... LIVE!

Author: Wayne Smaridge

What Shall We Talk About?

Howdy folks! How the heck are you? I’m hoping you’re all doing just great! But then, if you’re reading this, on Cubicle Farm Survivor, you might just be trying to survive. I’m here for you. I’m in this with you!

I have to tell you, I’ve had dozens of article and story ideas swirling through my head since I wrote my last article. And since I couldn’t decide which one I wanted to devote the time and energy to, I thought I’d let you all in on my ideas list, and see what you think about which. (Yeah, I said that.)

So, here we go, in no particular order:

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The Excel Tip You’ve Got to Have!

A Sixty Second Excel Formatting Hack That Could Literally Save Your Ass

Many years ago, when the workplace was only just SLIGHTLY more paper hungry than today, I almost made an expensive mistake. How  expensive? Well, it would have cost me my ass. But I happened to see it coming, and figured out how to avoid it. That hack would stick with me ever since, and save me countless hours of frustration, and loads of embarrassment!

I call it a hack, even though it seems pretty simple. But let me tell you, when I consider how many people I’ve run into who haven’t figured this out, I feel it is worthy of the ‘hack’ designation.

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Cubicle Farm Coping Skills… Start Your Own Posse

I’ve worked in cubicle farms of one sort or another for well over 15 years now. (I don’t want to figure it any more finely than that, for fear I will start crying and never stop.) For me, it was always hard to find some level upon which I could relate to my coworkers. I always had a hard time feeling like I belonged to the group… or feeling like they were anything like the person I thought I was.

Don’t get me wrong, I was plenty friendly for the most part. Generally an outgoing person, I still always had a part of me that was holding back. So I observed a lot. I saw the people who were always way too happy, the ones who seemed to have a bit of a sharp edge to their anger, the ones who seemed downright creepy, and so on.

And I have to admit I always felt so very apart from them. I worked with them just fine, unless they were out and out horrible people. (But let’s face it, those types usually get “filtered out” before too long.) I guess I felt this way because of the way I was brought up…

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3 Steps To Get Through To Your Boss, Right Now!

Getting through the day is all about getting along with your boss. And more than that, it’s about being able to get through to your boss. Some people are good at that from day one. I’m not one of those people. It’s taken me years to figure out how to get through to my bosses. But once I figured it out, life got a little better. Seriously.

If you’ve been having trouble getting through to your boss, read this and let me know what you think. More importantly, TRY IT! Three simple steps (and one bonus). Just try them and let me know how it goes.

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Do Something For Yourself… Every Day

It’s Imperative That You Take Care Of You

This is NOT easy! What is easy is getting so wrapped up in deadlines and stress and demanding bosses, or colleagues, or work loads, that you forget about YOU. How many times out of the last month have you worked through lunch, eating at your desk? Or worse yet, how often have you skipped lunch altogether?

I know how this goes. We sacrifice our personal well-being in order to get a little more done, in hopes of relieving some of the constant pressure. Using my lunch hour as a way to take up slack or make up time when I’m feeling the crunch has become standard operating procedure over the years. But with a big difference these days.

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Cube Farm Life Ain’t Easy

It’s true. And it’s one of those things that either you know it, you get it… Or you don’t. Myself, I get it. Completely. Out of all the many years of my office working career, I spent precious few of them in an office space. Most of the time, I was in a fabric covered, soul absorbing cubicle cell. But if you live with someone who hasn’t worked like that… chances are pretty good that they don’t get it. That can be rough. So this is a good place for you.

I’m writing this because after many years, after a lot of trial and error, I’ve figured out how to cope with cubicle farm life. I’ve figured out how to get through each day, each mind-numbing hour, each newly frustrating minute, so I can be at peace for most of the day.

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