Howdy folks! How the heck are you? I’m hoping you’re all doing just great! But then, if you’re reading this, on Cubicle Farm Survivor, you might just be trying to survive. I’m here for you. I’m in this with you!

I have to tell you, I’ve had dozens of article and story ideas swirling through my head since I wrote my last article. And since I couldn’t decide which one I wanted to devote the time and energy to, I thought I’d let you all in on my ideas list, and see what you think about which. (Yeah, I said that.)

So, here we go, in no particular order:

  • Cubicle Snacking
    I’ve done it for years. “Stress eating”, “comfort food”, “celebration snacks”… call it what you like. It boils down to the same thing: Snacking in your cubicle. Is that a bad thing? Let’s talk about it.
  • Extra Hours
    We have all been through those times at work when there is a vital project that requires extra hours to get it done by deadline. But what about when the deadline is arbitrary and meaningless?
  • Fixing The Mess
    Or how about when you are assigned a simple task, and it’s “urgent” of course, and you quickly realize that the established process is complete CRAP? So much so that because the process was never ‘fixed’, getting the simple task done will waste needless hours of YOUR time?
  • Internships: Paid or Unpaid?
    Internships are a classic method of acquiring valuable experience in a career you are just beginning. More than likely, you have already invested heavily in specialized training (college, etc.). So, should you accept an unpaid internship? Do you really bring ZERO value to the table? Or are they really just a ripoff?
  • Recruiters: Pimps or Angels?
    Before anyone gets upset, let me say this… Like any person you may meet in life, some will be really good, some will be ‘okay’, and some will be downright nasty. But there’s more to it than that. A lot more. So how do you handle recruiter relationships? What are the ups and downs?
  • The Fine Art of Cubicle Decoration
    And the not-so-fine art, too. Let’s face it, we freaking live in our cubicles. What’s up with that? So if that’s the case, shouldn’t we make them comfortable? Shouldn’t we be allowed to express ourselves with our cubicle decor?
  • LinkedIn: Great Professional Career Site or Big Brother Trap?
    Are you on LinkedIn? I am (my profile). And I’m still trying to answer this question. The platform is populated by your coworkers and bosses and future employers and recruiters too. So how free do you feel to speak your mind there? Or is it just like one long interview where you can only really say ‘what they want to hear’?

And so it goes with the ideas. These and more all coming in the future. And of course, we are always going to be talking about getting out of the Cubicle Farm!

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think of these article ideas, and what else you’d like to talk about. Because if it’s on your mind, it’s on someone else’s mind too! And we Cubicle Farm Survivors have to stick together!

Take care, be well, take good care of yourself. I look forward to hearing from you all.
